Home loans value-adds
The challenge
A financial services entity approached us wanting to understand how to package and market a value-added service (available via their app) to their existing home loan customers. They wanted to learn what the homeownership journey means to their customers, and how this value added service can help at various stages.
Our design challenge: How might we market this platform in a way that gives it traction with its intended audience?
Our approach
We conducted four focus groups to understand user behaviour and tendencies and to observe a group response to the concept of the mobile app’s value added service offering. We wanted to find out about respondents’ experience of taking out a home loan, as well as which platforms they might engage with to achieve this.
Our solution
We created a value proposition for the app.
The result
The client had a clear understanding of its market segments and how best to tailor their service to each segment, resulting in an offering that will find traction with its market.
Financial services business
Mobile app concept testing