Have you discovered new and useful insights from your research??
Discover new and useful insights from your user research
The “How Might We Builder” is a collaborative tool that helps teams frame problem statements and generate innovative solutions by breaking down challenges into actionable, well-defined questions.
So you have completed your research, In this video, we share some tips on how to discover new and useful insights from your user research. You can use different techniques like categorizing, clustering, or affinity mapping to identify patterns, themes, and trends.
To ensure that your insights are actionable, you need to connect them to your business goals and strategy. Ask yourself, how can these insights help us improve our product, service, or experience?
Step 1
Capture your learnings from your research – we would recommend using a tool like Miro (https://miro.com/). Refer to your notes and recordings and capture each persona and user journey individually on the board. Highlight any observations or noteworthy data points.
Step 2
Once all date is captured, as a team, start clustering (grouping) your data and simply label these groups with descriptions (eg. age or location).
Step 3
Review your clusters and look at what the data is telling you – look for patterns. Document what the themes are that are occurring within the clusters (there may be more than one per cluster). Themes are the headlines for clusters of similar learnings and will inform your insights.
Step 4
Take a closer look at the themes you created for each of your clusters, as well as the stories that support these themes. Now transform each theme into a sentence, eg: “There is no incentive for users to complete a form.” Write in full sentences. Each theme may result in multiple insight statements.
Step 5
Create generative questions that build off of the insight sentences that you have created in Step 4. Start each statement with “How Might We…?” as an invitation for input, suggestions, and exploration. Generate multiple questions for every insight statement. Write them in plain, simple, and concise language, eg: “How might we incentive users to complete a form?”
Step 6
As a team, select three of your best HMW questions to take into brainstorming. Trust your gut feeling: Choose those questions that feel exciting and help you think of ideas right away. Also, select the questions that are most important to address and feel like they have the biggest opportunity for design solutions, even if they feel difficult to solve for.
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